3 years ago, I arrived to Sicily and ever since i focused on Musicians. Filming independent musicians from all over the world fallen in love of Sicily.
3 Months ago, I pictured my idea for a Canon Italia contest, ” La Grande Ocasione”
and in 3 days, me and my faithful friend and great professional Martin Ferreira, managed to achieve the filming we programmed for 5 days with a Canon C300.
Today I am proud to share with all that: we won! We won this first step, and this award has given to us a great reason to put more effort to make our full length Documentary.
Vincitore del premio La grande occasione 2014 con , il documentarista e filmmaker spagnolo dal 2011 vive ad Aci Castello: «Mi sono innamorato di una siciliana e, dopo aver tentato invano di portarla via con me, ho scoperto di essere io a non volermene più andare»